Equality & Diversity at Sense College Loughborough
We are proud of our College.
We believe that everyone is equal and must be treated with respect. We do not allow students or staff to discriminate against others because of any of the protected characteristics of diversity:
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race (this includes ethnic or national origins, colour or nationality)
- Religion or belief (this includes lack of belief)
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
- Marriage and civil partnerships
We challenge those who breach this Code. Identifying with one protected characteristic does not give anyone the right to discriminate against, harass or bully people who are in a different protected characteristic.
Single Equality Scheme
Sense College Loughborough respects and values people of different backgrounds and abilities. We value the fact that people are different and we celebrate the richness this brings to our college.
We want our college to be as inclusive as possible, from access to our buildings to progressing in ambitions for life and work. This Single Equality Scheme brings together evidence of how well the College is doing and what we want to do to improve still further.
Supporting your Religion and Culture at College
Sense College Loughborough has a diverse community of people from many different cultures and faiths. The College actively supports people to observe their faith, religion or belief during their time at College.
There are seven major world faiths, religions or beliefs that we support in our College and we will endeavour to support people of any other faith, religion, belief or no belief. Please download the leaflet for more information about:
- Faith and Reflection room
- College Chaplain
- Local places of worship
- Support for world faiths
- Support during study time
Supporting Your Faith (Document, 22 Kb)
Translation Service
We can provide a translation service if you would like to contact the College in a language other than English and we can also arrange for a translator to be present during an informal visit to the College. Please contact us on 01509 611077 and we will call you back with an interpreter.