Our in-house physiotherapist assesses and observes students during their initial assessment and whilst on their programme.
The physiotherapist works in group and individual sessions to help students gain an understanding of their physical abilities and improve their lifestyle through planned exercise programmes. Students can improve their mobility, balance and co-ordination and develop their confidence.
Speech & Language Therapy
Speech and Language Therapy is integrated into the curriculum and provided by our in-house Speech and Language Therapy Team consisting of Speech and Language Therapist and Senior Learning Support Assistant – Communication. Speech and Language Therapy is delivered through a mixture of one-to-one sessions, group sessions and support in Enterprise sessions.
The Speech and Language Therapy team work on:
- Expressive communication skills
- Receptive communication skills
- Social communication skills
- Alternative and augmentative communication e.g. iPads, Communication Books
The Speech and Language Therapy Team are also responsible for promoting a total communication environment throughout College and encourage the use of visual aids, including picture symbols and Makaton.
Having access to in-house Speech and Language Therapy helps students with communication difficulties to learn and participate in college life, communicate their needs, make choices, increase their independence and develop communication skills for the future.
The Speech and Language Therapist is involved in all students' pre-admission assessments, as well as observations of students as and when required, in order to gain additional information about their communication.