Learners Organise Christmas Party

Learners Organise Christmas Party

Learners Organise Christmas Party

Posted: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 16:31

Learners Organise Christmas Party

Learners from Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) College Loughborough worked together to organise a children's Christmas party as part of their Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE) challenges. They invited 34 children from a local primary school to enjoy an afternoon of games and singing, Santa also made an appearance.

In addition to organising the event, learners in E3 read out Children's stories they had written, these included "The Dolphin" by Farhatt Akhtar, "Diego and the duck" by Charlotte King, "The Bored Cat" by Joanne McLaren and "The Naughty Dog" by Charlotte Smirthwaite.

Tags: Christmas party, CoPE qualification, RNIB College