RNIB College Loughborough Celebrates Africa Day

RNIB College Loughborough Celebrates Africa Day

RNIB College Loughborough Celebrates Africa Day

Posted: Wed, 25 May 2011 09:14

RNIB College Loughborough Celebrates Africa Day

The College was alive with activity on Friday 20 May as learners, staff and parents came together to celebrate Africa Day. Africa has been this term's theme and learners have been discovering more about its people, animals and culture. Throughout the term they have worked on paintings and sculptures in their craft sessions and have also spent many hours preparing for their Africa Day performance.

The morning of the big day began with a combination of stalls and games set up and ran by staff and learners including plant sales, raffle stalls, lucky dips, skittles, blindfolded football, cake sales and much more. This gave parents and visitors an opportunity to interact with learners and staff whilst raising money for a good cause.

The highlight of the day was the learner performance which began with a traditional African welcome and included a poem reading, clips from flip cameras showing preparations for the day and a dance which included Makaton signing. A group of learners then performed a play that focused on an old African story. One of those watching the performance was the College's Vice Chair of Governors, Geoff Jackman, who said 'everyone was clearly pleased to be participating and it was most heartening to see the learners growing in confidence'.

Overall the day proved a real success with £574.35 raised in total. The learners choose how they wanted the money to be spent and together decided that it would go to help a project in Malawi to build composting toilets for two mining villages.

You can see pictures of the day on our Flickr site.

Tags: Africa Day, RNIB College, performance