Learners demonstrate skills to parents

Learners demonstrate skills to parents

Learners demonstrate skills to parents

Posted: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 15:21

Learners demonstrate skills to parents

The College has recently undergone its second 'Skills Week for Parents'. Skills Week has been recently introduced to provide an opportunity for parents to be more involved in their child's College day by observing them in their learning environment.

The College has always placed huge emphasis on independence and this event gives learners the chance to showcase some of the things they have achieved throughout the term and celebrate their achievements with their family.

Learners demonstrate life skills such as, changing and making their bed, washing the pots, cleaning their bathrooms, making their own food and drink and doing their laundry. These skills are an important part of adult life and will help them to live more independently which many of the College learners aim to achieve. Learners also have the opportunity to show their skills in other teaching and learning areas such as the Bell Bar, the College Shop and the new Arts Centre.

View Skills Week pictures on our Flickr site.

Tags: RNIB College, life skills, parents, skills week