Celebrating India Day

Celebrating India Day

Celebrating India Day

Posted: Wed, 30 May 2012 13:54

Visitors attended the College on Friday 25 May for this year's India Day Celebration. The Sun was shining making a beautiful day for learners and guests to enjoy the games and activities.

The morning began with stalls and games throughout the College organised by staff and leaners. Visitors could enjoy a Tombola arranged by the College Office, games, crafts and handmade gifts which had been made throughout the term by learners working in the College Arts centre and craft lessons.

Outside in the courtyard guests enjoyed a demonstration of traditional Indian dancing and learners joined in with the dance moves and enjoyed the music. On the field behind College the adult trainees had organised games including blind cricket and had even arranged for staff members to take to the stocks, where they were pounded with wet sponges (all for a good cause).

At 11.30 guests took their seats inside to watch the learner performance. This year learners performed a traditional Indian tale called 'The Rope' which included acting, singing and dancing. Special mentions were given to all learners involved in the performance including those in charge of the music, lighting, editing, script writing, prop making and directing. At the end of the show learners demonstrated the 'Chori Chori' dance, incorporating Indian music and movement. The audience was encouraged to join in and by the end there was hardly anyone left in their seats, making a fantastic finale.

With well over 100 visitors joining in the fun the College managed to raise £250, which will go towards a charity of the learners' choice.

Tags: India Day, Party, RNIB College