Here you can read about some of the excellent work our students have been doing at their work placements and supported internships.

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Jake, March 2019

Jake was really keen to move into paid employment once he finished College.

Jake was identified to join the College's Supported Internship programme during his final year in College. He was really keen to move into paid employment when he finished College. Jake spends two full days at Tesco and one day in College building his literacy, numeracy and employability skills.

Jake started with us in September 2016 and worked hard to develop his employability and functional skills in the different College enterprises such as the college office and Bell Bar. During his time at College Jake realised that he would like to gain employment so the internship programme was the obvious next step for him.

In September 2018 Jake started the Supported Internship alongside a College Job Coach. His confidence, time keeping and team work skills have really developed. After only a couple of months Jake is now able to carry out his daily tasks such as stock replenishment independently. Jake has also been given the opportunity to work on all the different departments in Tesco which has been a great learning experience and given him the opportunity to take direction from different people.

Erin Snape, Jake's Supervisor says "Jake continues to work well with different members of staff on different departments and is confident in his work and can be great assistance to the colleagues he is helping. Jake enjoys his time in store, he greets everyone he encounters and will quite happily work with colleagues he hasn't met before. It's been nice to see his confidence grow in the time he has spent in store"

Jake says "After my Internship I would love to work at Tesco's. I have really enjoyed meeting new people and working in a team"

Wed, 15 Jan 2020